Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday morning update

Internals are extremely strong today. Cumulative ticks have trended up the whole session thus far. NFLX has been on an absolute tear and my position is gaining quite a few negative deltas. However the position is up a little bit now so I will hold given that we are at all time highs and I'm still about $5 off my short strike. AMZN is also up today so that's helping my trade. ESI is showing a nice profit too having reported and the stock did not move so all that vol has collapsed which is nice. I also went for a call BWB on BIDU with strikes at 115/120/130 for $0.11 credit and got filled. This is also showing a small profit and I'm thinking that the market is pricing in a $15 move at the most, hence my long strike at $115.

Overall its a pretty good day as all 4 positions are showing a profit. Time to look for some more earnings plays for tomorrow.

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